The European Summer School in Information Retrieval (ESSIR) is a scientific event founded in 1990, which has given rise to a series of Summer Schools held on a regular basis to provide high quality teaching of Information Retrieval (IR) and advanced IR topics to an audience of researchers and research students. ESSIR is typically a week-long event consisting of guest lectures and seminars from invited lecturers who are recognised experts in the field.
The 12th European Summer School in Information Retrieval (ESSIR 2019) marks the 30th anniversary of ESSIR. It will be held at the University of Milan Bicocca, Milan, Italy, jointly organized by the Information Retrieval Laboratory (IR Lab) at the University of Milan Bicocca and the Information Management Systems (IMS) research group at the University of Padua.
ESSIR 2019 will be a 5-day event (15-19 July, 2019) that will offer a high quality teaching on IR and related research topics, in a friendly atmosphere. A new edition of the Symposium on Future Directions in Information Access (FDIA) will also be held at ESSIR 2019, which will provide a forum for early researchers to present their research in a friendly environment, whilst among senior researchers.
We invite students and researchers to participate in ESSIR 2019.
The mission of the school is to enable students to learn about modern research challenges and methods in information retrieval and related disciplines; to stimulate scientific research and collaboration in these fields; and to grow a community of researchers, students, and industry professionals working on information retrieval with collaborations all around the world.
The target audience are master students, PhD students, PostDoc students and junior faculty.
ESSIR 2019 Sponsorships

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